Friday, June 6, 2014


I forgot to post this! A friend of mine wanted to get a hamster, so she gave me her rat. She named her Snoopy, though I renamed her Primrose.
She is standard like Precious was. She looks like a husky ☺️ She is a very active little ratty. Her original owners moved to Alberta, so they had to leave their rats behind. Primrose had a sister, though she died. She immediately was well liked by the ratty clan. She is such a cutie 😊 

RIP Precious and Patchy-Patch

On May, 23rd, 2014 Precious died. We don't know what she died of. When we took her to the vet, they gave her an antibacterial shot, but a few days later she died.

Yesterday Patchy-Patch kept rolling and rolling, so we took her to the vet. Apparently she had an ear infection that was affecting her balance, so essentially her world was spinning. There was only a 30%  survival chance, so my father made the decision to put her down. It was a very sad choice and they will be much missed.
I miss you ratties! <3 <3 <3